Growing your church and nurturing a fulfilling personal life should not be mutually exclusive...

You can experience profound growth in your ministry while maintaining a balanced, joyful home life.

The Whole Church Discipleship Model has already empowered hundreds of pastors across every state and over 15 countries to achieve just that.

Now, our newest version 4.0 Church Growth Accelerator makes growing your church as simple as following a proven system.

Imagine transforming your church without the constant strain on your personal time and energy.

And if you're wondering how this could even be possible or "what's the catch" let me paint you a picture...

My name is Jerry Lawson - I’m the Pastor of Daystar Church in Cullman, AL.

I witnessed firsthand the transformative power of the 24toDouble model. It allowed my congregation to swell from 60 to over 6,000 attendees, all while maintaining one of the lowest staff-to-attendee ratios and fostering a high rate of member involvement.

This model isn't just a theory; it's a proven pathway to success.

Seeing The Success At My Church Inspired Me To Take This Program Nationwide...

So I invested and purchased the rights to the 24toDouble process from Dr. Owen Weston. Together, we began to do live training sessions every month and trained over 400 churches. Leaders from all over the country were driving or flying in for a one-day meeting each month.

It felt like we were making a real difference until I saw the costs these leaders were outlaying to come along.

It was then I realized that I needed to do something to reach more churches in a more affordable way.

For many leaders, a lack of financial resources is the only thing standing in the way of progress, so I didn’t want that to stop anyone from having access to the program.

That's when I decided to bring the conference to you instead of bringing you to the conference.

This is The "Right Now" Opportunity For Your Church...

  • Do You know in your knower that God has given you the community you are in to win for His Glory?

  • Have you found yourself in prayer over the lack of attendance at your church?

  • If I show the exact process to empower your leaders to do the work of the ministry, freeing you to more clearly hear from God and lead His people, are you willing to do the work?

  • Are you ready to recapture some margin in your life and get back to a place of health and balance?

  • Are you ready to go to another level of leadership and significance in your ministry and see hundreds of lives transformed by the message of the Gospel?

If you could answer YES to one or more of the questions above, then you are exactly where you are supposed to be...right now...and here's why...

24toDouble Will Help You Build The Church You Are Called to Lead

For over 20 years God has been showing me what it means to transform our community through the Love and Power of Jesus Christ while allowing me to redefine traditional ways of helping pastors grow their church, change lives, rebuild communities, and create next-level success...

And now, with a lifetime of experience and a rock-solid biblical foundation, I am so excited to bring You this Church Growth Accelerator is designed to help You reverse the flow of church decline and bring people back into God's presence.

But why is this relevant to you now? Because the time to act is today.

The 24toDouble model isn't merely another course—it's a movement, a catalyst for change that could redefine your ministry and impact countless lives through the Gospel.

This is your chance to be part of a select group of pastors who choose to step up and embrace a model of church growth that is as effective as it is spiritually enriching.

Now is the time to embrace this opportunity. The 24toDouble model is waiting to help you unlock the full potential of your church, to lead a movement that will echo through generations. This is about legacy, leadership, and the love of Christ manifesting in your community.

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

If you try 24toDouble and for whatever reason, decide it’s not right for you, we’ll refund your entire investment, no questions asked!

Let's Be Clear...

Neither You, Nor I, or any Course or Program Can Actually Grow Your Church...Only God Can Bring People to You

What 24toDouble Can Do is show You how to position Your Church to receive the Ones He gives You so they feel Welcomed and Loved. Doing so will allow them to experience God for who He Truly Is ... Maybe For The First Time In Their Lives...

Don't let this moment pass. The future of your church, the impact you can have on your community, and the lives you can touch with the message of Jesus are all within your reach.

Embrace the 24toDouble model and start the journey toward a church that not only grows in numbers but thrives in spirit.

While all of those are the preferred route for some pastors, this course is specifically designed to show you EXACTLY how you can confidently take your existing staff, team, or collection of volunteers and completely embrace the opportunity God has put in front of you.

With 24toDouble 4.0, you will learn to turn your members into true disciples who evangelize your community and begin to have a massive impact on the lives of those God has entrusted you to lead.

If you're ready for the next level of church growth unlike anything you have seen in your ministry so far then click below now and enroll in this life-changing program!

Look At Just Some Of The Success Of Our Incredible 24D Community

1200 Churches - 15 Countries - Towns with 500 People - Cities with 500,000

Malcolm Carter III, Temple Baptist Church

"In a matter of 17 months, our church went from 350 to over 800 (Now over 1,700) and even more importantly the involvement level of our people increased dramatically. The excitement level in our leadership about getting people involved and getting them into areas of their giftedness has completely changed the landscape of our church. We are forevermore grateful to the team at 24toDouble. "

Michael Shreve, Mountain West Church Of God

Since we started the journey with 24toDouble our church has more than doubled. We went from an average of 160 to 382. We have more people involved in ministry than we’ve ever had before who are finding their purpose and passion and it’s been absolutely incredible!

Dr. Gary Sands , Lead Pastor Dallas, Texas

We just started 24 to Double a few months ago and we have increased our attendance by over 50%, particularly using the big events component.

Joey Elsky , Lead Pastor Prattville, Alabama

We grew our church from 60 to 1,200 in seven years using 24 to Double.

Steve Brown , Director of Evangelism, North Georgia

I’ve used 24 to Double in Georgia and every church that faithfully applied the program has doubled in size.

Joey Turman , Lead Pastor Mobile, Alabama

In just one year, Pathway has grown by 50% from 600 to 900 worshipers in attendance using 24 to Double.

What You Get Today - Plus, Extra Bonuses:

Enroll in 24toDouble TODAY and Receive Access to The Course That Has Helped Transform Thousands of Churches PLUS 3 Great Bonuses Completely Free That You Can not Get Any Place Else...

24toDouble 4.0

Church Growth Accelerator

This step-by-step, 24 Module Online Course holds the keys for you to train up volunteers for ministry and create an invite culture.

You’ll add new members every month and see your church grow faster than you can believe while creating margin in your own life by inspiring your volunteers to step into their calling and thrive in ministry.


Team Training Guides

These digital guidebooks are the secret to take all of the guesswork out of team tasks and get everyone on the same page.

These guides will keep your volunteers engaged while helping them see both the "what" and the "why" of team ministry and get all of your leaders quickly up to speed without spending the next 6 months developing team guides from scratch.

Gifts & Passions

Teaching Bundle

This slide presentation with participant handouts allows you to help your members see how they can use their gift mix to serve the church so you can develop members and leaders who stay plugged in and connected to the ministry.

Building a dependable team of inspired volunteers to do the work of the ministry allows you to step out of the role of a jack-of-all-trades and into the role of Vision Caster.

Live Monthly Mentoring

With Pastor Jerry Lawson

One of the most valuable pieces of the entire system is the monthly zoom meetings with Pastor Jerry.

As a true expert in church and church growth, Pastor Jerry takes time every month to answer your questions, talk about what’s working, and help walk through problems or perceived problems. Answering questions in real-time keeps the 24toDouble content up to date and relevant for today’s church environment. Without mentoring you will have success if you just follow the proven system.

Add in the monthly calls and the ability to connect with like-minded pastors experiencing the same challenges and you will supercharge your progress and your church's growth.

BONUS #1: Sermons 365

One Full Year of Sermons

This year’s worth of messages is a shortcut to free up your schedule to make space for implementing the 24toDouble Training with your team.

You're able to use these pre-written messages as a starting point for sermon development or use them as written and quickly build high-quality sermons without staring at a blank page for hours.

Bonus #2 - Pastors Community

Community Group

This brand new pastors group is the place to be for accountability, fellowship, and mentorship. With wide ranging discussion topics, updated leadership training, and threads tailored to churches of specific sizes, there is something for everyone.

Bonus #3 - Church Growth Playbook

A.I. Assistant

The primary objective of this playbook is to guide your church through a structured and strategic process to identify and leverage its unique strengths and qualities in ministry.

By aligning these unique characteristics with your church's vision and goals, this playbook aims to foster meaningful growth, deeper community engagement, and more effective ministry.

This is a step-by-step guide to take you though every aspect of the training to ensure you complete understanding with a comprehensive plan to make it happen.

Here’s Everything You Get Today

  • Whole Church Discipleship System ($3,096 Value)

  • Done-For-You Team Training Guides ($799 Value)

  • The Gifts & Passion Teaching Bundle ($399 Value)

  • Live Monthly Mentoring with Pastor Jerry Lawson ($1,176 Value)

  • BONUS #1:Sermons 365 ($5,148 Value)

  • BONUS #2: Pastors Community ($299 Value)

  • BONUS #3: Church Growth Playbook ($588 Value)

Total Value: $11,505

But today, you're getting all of this...

FOR ONLY $7 for the first 30 Days...


You can try, but you won't find a more direct path to doubling your church...

When You enroll in this program today, You will soon realize that NOW is the time,YOU are completely equipped to succeed, and You NOW have access to a proven plan to help take you there.

Once You cast vision to your team and begin the training, your confidence in 24toDouble will soar as you watch your numbers increase week by week.

The truth is, many churches see their congregation double is much less time than 24 months.

Most church growth resources are specifically for the pastor. 24toDouble is for the entire church community. I call it a “Whole Church Discipleship” model.

The first thing I ask you to do is to call a meeting. Too many pastors tend to do it all because they’re the ones getting paid. I’m anti the pastor “doing it all” pastor, and, I’m going to show you another way that is more successful than anything I’ve seen.

Doing more isn’t scalable. Doing less by getting people to help in areas where they are gifted and passionate is scalable, and it inspires people to get on board and become part of the community.

Most churches are stuck for a reason. By inspiring church members, we teach them to not only join the teams that will get your church unstuck but to lead them. This is an end-to-end solution for church growth.

You're going to find a level of confidence that you may never have experienced in any other course or training in your life. By the end of the 30-day trial, you will realize this is absolutely for you...

This course provides the tools, knowledge, and support you need to break the 200, 400, 800, or even 2000 member barrier in your church over the next two years.

Take action today so you and your team can start crafting your new plan as soon as tomorrow...

Today, you have the chance to join a movement that is reshaping ministries across the globe.

Take this step, not just for your church, but for the countless lives waiting to be touched by your ministry.

Enroll now and begin the journey to build the church you are called to lead.

This is your moment, your calling, your mission. Seize it with 24toDouble.

Don't miss this chance to fully walk out your calling and join with churches all over the world as together we reach out to a lost and dying generation and ask God to work in their lives as only He can do!

This is YOUR time, YOUR calling, YOUR mission.

Click below to start your 30-day trial for just $7.

60 Day No Questions Asked Money-Back Guarantee, Cancel Anytime

24-Month Conditional Money Back Guarantee

24toDouble Helps You Build 7 Teams

Based On The 5 Fold Ministry Principle

  • Team 1: Outreach

    The sole purpose of this team is to engage your community and find new ways to get people to visit your church. Imagine new people showing up to your church every week and someone else made it happen.

  • Team 2: First Impressions

    This team’s purpose in life is to make people feel like they’re right at home in your church. From the parking lot to the pew, from the front door to the nursery, these people serve to make sure every first experience is an excellent one.

  • Team 3: Tech Arts

    Your focus on Sunday morning has to be on what God has called you to hear not how it’s being heard. This team is responsible for preparing the environment for worship. Leaders on this team organize everything from facility care to lighting, technology, and drama.

  • Team 4: Worship

    The right leaders on this team make sure that the worship is relevant to the message and prepares your members and visitors for the message.

  • Team 5: Follow Up

    One of the most overlooked teams in the church is the team responsible for getting people to return after a visit. This team focuses on reaching out to answer any questions visitors have and make them feel welcome to return.

  • Team 6: Children

    Children’s ministry is the lifeblood of the church. This team focuses on preparing the next generation of Christians through vibrant children’s ministry.

  • Team 7: Small Groups

    Everyone wants community with other people at similar life stages. This team’s focus is to involve everyone from Jr. High to Senior adults in active community groups or Sunday school classes.


The Decision is Now. Enroll In The 24toDouble Online Course Today And Build The Church You Were Born To Lead!

24 Month Conditional Guarantee

24 Month Guarantee

If you engage the 24toDouble process by:

  1. Reviewing the modules with your team

  2. Implementing the big event strategy

  3. Putting the teams in place

And you aren't satisfied with your results after completing the 2-year process, we'll refund your entire investment. This is the "Some Questions Asked" guarantee. You'll need to provide documentation of your effort in the form of an email with the big events you've held and the teams you've developed, along with an explanation of why you are requesting a refund.

All of this means, when you are making your investment, you have nothing to worry about. We don’t want you to just throw your credit card numbers at us. We truly care about you seeing life-changing results!