Products and Resources

24toDouble 4.0 Church Growth Accelerator

This is our flagship church growth training updated for 2024!

  • 25 Video Modules

  • Follow Along Slides and Notes for Each Module

  • "Action Plan" to Help You Take Consistent Action

  • Done-for-You Team Training Guides

  • Monthly Mentoring Meetings on Zoom with Q&A

  • Pastors Only Private Community

  • 12 Months of Sermons with Teaching and Congregation Notes

  • Unlimited Access to the Gifts and Passions Assessment

  • Access to Our Fully Trained A.I. Church Growth Assistant

  • Lifetime Access to the Training Including All Updates

Multiple Payment Plans and Options

Custom Gifts and Passions Assessment

Would you like to receive results as soon as one of your members or guests complete the Gifts and Passions Assessment?

Would it be valuable to be able to forward their results to a team leader with instructions on how best to connect with that person if they are a good fit for the team?

That is exactly what you can do with the custom version of this assessment!

There is a small monthly fee of $15.00, which gives you an unlimited number of assessments, the ability to have your church logo added, and an option to customize the questions to better suit your culture.

$15.00 USD every month

Next Steps Booklet

This is the current booklet we are using at Daystar Church for our Next Steps Class. Feel free to make a copy and modify it as you see fit.

Next Steps Video

The Senior Pastor is usually preaching during our Next Steps class so Pastor Jerry recorded a Welcome video that is show toward the beginning of every class.

Ultimate Church S.O.P.

$247.00 USD

Giving Series

All effective and growing churches depend on the generosity of their members. This 3-part sermon series titled Generational Giving leads believers to the natural conclusion that while you can give and not love, it is impossible to love and not give

Capital Campaign Sermons and Notes

Are you planning to raise funds for a new building project? This sermon series with notes included helped Daystar Church raise more than $5 million over and above the tithe through a three-year campaign.

Giving Commitment Card

This is an example of the commitment card used at the beginning of the year at Daystar Church as Pastor Jerry cast vision for all God wanted to do in 2019 and beyond.

Daystar At the Movies Summer Sample

Click the link to watch Daystars production of "Bridge of Spies - At the Movies"

The Big Events Mini-Course

$47.00 USD

Connect & Engage; Essential Church Follow-Up Strategies

$97.00 USD

Online Pastors Community

Join Our Community for access to fee courses, Mentoring Meeting Replays, and Much More!

Pack The House

Learn How to Use Big Events Like Easter, Christmas, Baptisms, and Baby Dedications to Attract the Lost and Hurting to Your Church!

Free Personal Q&A

Curious about our process but want to speak to someone first? Book a free session with our Executive Director to learn how we can help you grow your church in 2024!

The Present Future by Reggie McNeal

In this provocative book, author, consultant, and church leadership developer Reggie McNeal debunks these and other old assumptions and provides an overall strategy to help church leaders move forward in an entirely different and much more effective way. In The Present Future, McNeal identifies the six most important realities that church leaders must address including: recapturing the spirit of Christianity and replacing "church growth" with a wider vision of kingdom growth; developing disciples instead of church members; fostering the rise of a new apostolic leadership; focusing on spiritual formation rather than church programs; and shifting from prediction and planning to preparation for the challenges of an uncertain world. McNeal contends that by changing the questions church leaders ask themselves about their congregations and their plans, they can frame the core issues and approach the future with new eyes, new purpose, and new ideas.


Leading on Empty by Wayne Corderio

A message of revitalization and encouragement for leaders before they leave the ministry. Wayne Cordeiro, author of Doing Church as a Team, found himself paralyzed by burnout. He had been in ministry for 30 years, and 10 years after founding what is now the largest church in Hawaii, he found himself depleted. Wayne took a season out of his growing ministry to recharge and refocus on the truly important. He got back in touch with his life, got back in proper balance, and re-energized his spirit through Christ and came back to serve with new passion and joy. Wayne first gave this message at a Willow Creek Leadership Summit, where it was the highest-rated presentation by those in attendance.
